
Last Letter - 27 June 2016

Well its my last letter. I am at a loss for words. It has gone so fast and I am so glad for these experiences that I have had. I am glad that I still have one more week to see miracles. I will have the opportunity to share my last testimony here in brasil on Sunday and I know that I will just cry and cry. But there is a time for everything.  I am so grateful for everything that i have learned here. I am so happy that I have met so many great peolpe. I LOVE BRASIL WITH ALL MY HEART! . I LOVE THIS MISSION. I sent my flight plan to you. Until next Wednesday :) Love you all.  Sister Jacobson

It Just Was - 20 June 2016

This week was great. Like Daniel I don´t really know why, but it just was. We have been working so hard in the sun and rain that every day we get home exhausted and either covered in sweat or mud.  Its weird to think that I will only be doing this for two more weeks. It is really sad to think about. The hard part is that I am trying to not think about it and just work, but everyone keeps reminding me that my time is slipping away. So the hard thing is that I need to really push myself to work and not just hang out with the people i love. I am really happying to be serving in the area. It is the hardest one I have served in, but I feel that I have grown so much. At least I hope so.  These last few days have been full of mental reflection of everything that have happened. Question like ´´Have I changed?´´ ``Did I do my part?´´ ´´Is God happy with my service?´´ or ´´Am I a better person, daughter, sister, friend because of what I have learned here?´´ have been swirling around in my mi

Consecrated Missionary - 13 June 2016

This week has been a growing experience for me. I have learned so much. We had a zone conference this week and we learned about how to be consecrated missionaries. (I am having a really hard time spelling in English so just ignore the mistakes).  It was a really good conference for me because I have been trying so hard to not be  a ´´dying missionary´´ and it was an opportunity for me to see the things i need to do to be better. The Mission President´s wife spoke to me afterward to thank me for my service and to thank me for being a consecrated missionary. With these words i started to cry because these past weeks i have really been questioning if I have been doing everything I can. If I have done what the Lord sent me to do. I love my President and his wife. We had a GREAT ward activity. It was a all you can eat ice cream night. It was crazy. We had so many less actives that participated and some investigators too. Wow it was crazy. I don´t even know how to describe it. Our ward m

Sick Days - 30 May 2016

Well apparently I can´t leave Brasil without a few more sick days. hahaha So this week was great and rough.  I started to feel really sick Tuesday night but nope we have to keep working. Of course it started raining so my cold got a little worse. But Wednesday I was pratically sleeping during all the lessons and just not feeling well. Thursday morning we had surprise interviews with Presidente and he just said, ´´is there anything i can do for you other then send you to the hospital?´´ So he sent me to the hospital. The hospital is always a great experience because i really don´t understand medical terms in English so in Portuguese its just funny. But my companion helped me alot. I ended up getting an MRI to look at my sinuses and my lungs and the conclusion of the story is that i had a really bad sinus infection.  I was given a bunch of medicine and set to bed rest. Two days in the house feel like an eternity. I was dying to leave so Saturday and Sunday everything was back to no

Final Transfer - 23 May 2016

Well i recieved my final transfer call last night. It is official that i will die in José Américo 2 with my companion Sister Silva. I am happy. I reallly like this area. it is really hard but i love it. My companion is happy to stay with me, but at the same time she is really sad because she already has one year in the mission field and she is the junior companion. She feels like president has forgotten about her. So part of me feels really bad that she is companions with me, but at the same time I love her so it will be fun.  This week we spent a bit of time in the doctors. My companion was sick with a virius that I think I am coming down with too, but it passed really fast and we were still able to work so that is good.  We had a great week. We fasted almost every day to try and have more results in our area. It was a great feeling, but wow did we get hungry. hahaha. We have been working really hard with a family of less actives that are finally starting to come back to church. I

Almost Forgot - 16 May 2016

Wow I almost logged off without sending anything. Sorry! This week has been good. A little frustrating. I feel like I relate really well to the stories Daniel tells about running to church late with no investigators. There isn´t anything more frustrating. But I know that the lord is testing everything that i have learning the the past few months to see if i can apply everything that i have learned. and it is hard, but i know it will all be worth it.  i love you all hugs!! sister jacobson